Rules & Constitution

Barnstaple & District Angling Association

Members Rules

1.Title & Address. The Association shall be called The Barnstaple & District Angling Association.
Meetings shall be held at such places determined by the Executive Committee of the Association

2. Aims. The fundamental aims of the Association
a To actively promote interest in all forms of fishing with rod & line, particularly among the youth of the district
b To actively seek to acquire the rights of fishing in a variety of waters, and to promote the interest of its members

3. Officers. The Officers of the Association are: President, Vice President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer
The Officers are to be elected on an annual basis at the Annual General Meeting. (AGM)

4. Committees. The Associations Executive Committee comprises of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and members of the Committee.
The Executive Committee will meet at the discretion of the committee. A minimum of five members of the Committee is required to form a quorum, of whom three shall be Officers of the Executive Committee. Club members and others may only attend the meetings of the Executive Committee when invited to do so by the Chairman.
Each Committee member has the right to one vote at meetings of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee is empowered to co-op club members onto working parties or steering groups and the like, but those co-opted do not have voting rights. Such co-opted members do not have seats on the Executive Committee. Matters concerning the general running of the Association in terms of policy and finance shall be conducted by the Executive Committee, or if necessary, by a General Meeting of the Association. Any expenditure of Club funds must be ratified by the Executive Committee.

5. Membership and Subscriptions. The Association’s fishing & financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December each year. Non-payment of fees within the defined period will preclude members from any Association rights until full payment is made. Prospective members must apply for membership using the application form on our web site. Full membership to the Association will be decided on by the Executive Committee & funds will be returned if application is unsuccessful. Presidents, Life Members and Honorary Members can only be proposed through the Executive Committee.

6. Association General Meetings. The Association’s Annual General Meeting shall be held in November each year. The Executive Committee may call a General Meeting by giving five days notice to members. A member may call an Extraordinary General Meeting by giving notice to the Chairman, with the support of a minimum of seven other members of the Association. Nominations for the Association’s Officer posts and those of the Committee are to be submitted to the AGM on an annual basis in writing to the Secretary. Members cannot vote at an AGM unless they have held full membership for a 12 months period. Junior members are not permitted to vote at any General Meeting. Each member will only have one vote. Guest speakers and other guests may only be invited to General Meetings by decision of the Executive Committee.

7. Duties of the Association’s Executive Committee, Officers and Members. The specified duties of the Associations Executive Committee, nominated Officers and members are as follows:
a. The Executive Committee. To provide a focus for and to conduct the general business of the Association as laid out in rule 4.
b. The Hon.Treasurer. The Hon Treasurer is to keep a proper and true account of all monies received and expended by the Association. He/she will report monthly to the Executive Committee on financial matters, and is to present the Executive Committee with an annual written report on the state of the Associations finances prior to the AGM for approval. These accounts are to be presented to the Association’s membership for approval at the AGM (subject to audit)
c. The Hon.Secretary. The Hon Secretary is to maintain an up to date and accurate written record of the Executive Committee meetings and an account of the membership of the Association.
d. Members. Members are reminded that once they have joined the Association they are bound by its rules. It is incumbent on the individual to ensure that he/she is fully conversant with the Association rules. Members must familiarise themselves thoroughly and comply at all times with the Environment Agency Bye-laws affecting the Association’s fisheries.

8. Countryside Code. Members must respect the rights of property owners and must not damage crops, fences etc. Members must not leave litter or discard nylon line, hooks or lead shot, nor should they make excessive noise or nuisance on Club waters. Members are reminded that dogs are not allowed on Association waters.

9. Written Agreements. Written agreements undertaken on behalf of the Association must be signed by the Chairman, Hon.Secretary and Hon.Treasurer.

10. Rule Changes and Amendments. Association rules cannot be altered or rescinded except by a General Meeting. Members are to submit written notification of their intention to alter or rescind a rule or rules to the Hon.Secretary at least seven days before the given date of such meeting.

11. Proof of Membership. Members are to carry their membership details and Environment Agency licence at all times when angling on Association waters, and show same at the request of any Fisheries Inspector or Association Member.

12 .Trophies and Medals. Are to be awarded at the Executive Committee’s discretion. Those members who catch a notable fish and wish to qualify must have either its length & depth or weight witnessed by one independent person or a photograph . and report it to the Cup Committee Member within 7 days of capture.

13. The Committee Cup. Awarded in recognition of valuable services or other notable reason.

14. Commission to Agents. All matters relating to commissions for agents shall be referred to the Executive Committee.

15. Referrals to Committee. Matters that may affect the Association but lie outside the guidance contained in the rules are to be referred to the Executive Committee, either in person, or contacting the Chairman.

16. Age Limits. The junior age limit is set at 18 years. Senior membership commences on the 1st.January following the member’s 18th birthday.

17. Visitors Tickets. Visitors may purchase day tickets via this website.

18. Fires. No fires other than those lit by official working parties.

19. Boats. No boats of any description (including canoes & rafts) other than those used by official working parties.


1. Committee Membership. Should an Association Committee Member miss three consecutive meetings without in the opinion of the Committee concerned give valid reason for absence, then the member shall forfeit Committee membership. Apologies for absence should be made to the Hon. Secretary.

2. Complaints against members. Complaints against members should be made to the Secretary who will refer them to the Association’s Executive Committee. The Committee will review each case individually and determine accordingly. In any case of this nature, members have the right to appear before the Executive Committee to present or defend their case. Should the Executive Committee decide to expel a member then his/her annual subscription is forfeited.

3. Automatic Expulsion. Members caught killing fish that have been deliberately foul hooked will automatically be expelled from the Association.


River Taw, Newbridge.  From bridge downstream-water owned by B.D.A.A. to notice on right bank and to Bishops Tawton on left bank. Members with motor vehicles using short cut to Ford Gate via  gateway must not obstruct the entrance.

  1. Only Anglers with an Environment Agency License for Salmon and Seatrout may fish the B.D.A.A. water below Newbridge for Game fish from 1st March to 30th September.
  2. Spinning only to 31st.March. No treble hooks allowed. Single barbless hook only.
  3. Fly fishing; No treble hooks allowed, double or single barbless hook only
  4. Minimum size of trout to be taken on Association water is 20 cm.
  5. Trout may only be kept if taken on a fly.
  6. No-one may occupy a pool for more than 20 minutes if anyone is waiting to fish.
  7. Members must observe Environment Agency rules, byelaws and restrictions.
  8. Membership will not be renewed or accepted without a full completed Game Fish Return.
  9. Please observe the River Taw voluntary code that all Seatrout under 1lb and over 4lb are to be returned unharmed to the river



South Aller Lake.

  1. No juniors may fish under the age of 15 unless accompanied by a Senior member
  2. Members are limited to 10 metres around pool
  3. Fishing Times- One hour before sunrise to one hour after sunset. Lake is open all year
  4. Members are not permitted on the property outside these hours. Rules must be strictly observed under the terms of the lease.
  5. Spinning is permitted on South Aller with a single barbless hook only. Between the 1st. October to the 14th Live baiting in any form is strictly prohibited.
  6. Fly fishing single barbless hook only
  7. Entrance through to the car park gate must be kept locked after passing through. Disclosure of access number to a none club member will result in expulsion from the association.
  8. No fish may not be removed or transferred to or from B.D.A.A. waters
  9.       All Keep-Nets must be of NFA approved size. It is not permitted to keep Carp in keep-nets
  10. Members fishing for carp must use Unhooking Mats.
  11. Bent hook rigs, permanently fixed bolt hook rigs or barbed hooks are prohibited. Only single barbless hooks may be used at Aller Lake and Newbridge Club waters.
  12. Rods & lines must not be left unattended, with or without bait or hook in the water. No more than 2 rods may be used at any one time.

River Taw. Newbridge.

  1. Members must observe Rule 1, & 6 of the Game Waters
  2. Any game fish caught must be returned to the water unharmed and not retained in a keep net including brown trout. Proper observance of this rule is essential as upon it depends the privilege of fishing such waters.
  3. Members may coarse fish from the 16th June to the 28th February.
  4. Anyone found guilty of breaking these rules or mistreating fish will be expelled and banned from any future membership of the Club.